Here are the top 3 reasons why you and your clients will love MyPortfolio+.
1. It's safe.
Cybersecurity is a top priority for you and your clients, given the high prevalence of identity theft, fraud, and other types of cybercrimes.
Your clients will have peace of mind when they access their documentation on MyPortfolio+. Created by National Bank Independent Network and backed by National Bank of Canada, MyPortfolio+ adheres to extensive security protocols to keep information safe.
As their advisor, you will have the security of knowing that the service you provide your clients is secure.
2. It's convenient.
Your clients don’t have to wait for monthly or quarterly statements — they can log in at their leisure to check balances or see transactions. In addition to viewing their transactions and balances, clients have access to electronic documentation such as tax slips and reports, and to market information.
Barry Schwartz, Chief Investment Officer at Baskin Wealth Management, says his clients find the tool helpful. "A lot of our clients do log in to check their portfolio values daily to see what Baskin is doing for their clients [and] to get statements for taxes and other reports."
MyPortfolio+ also stores historical documentation going back 7 years. So, if a client is audited, they can easily retrieve information. Alternatively, they can grant view-only access to a third party such as an accountant. Around tax time, that means the accountant can access the information directly, saving time for you and your client.
3. It's timely.
MyPortfolio+ is like a living electronic statement. It is being updated daily so your clients will have access to timely information. It’s a handy, practical resource for your clients who like to stay in the loop. Plus, advisors can upload customized documentation via an add-on offering called MyReports Upload. To find out more about MyReports Upload, contact your Regional Vice President.
These days, clients are looking for safe, easy ways to access their information. My Portfolio+ is a modern, all-in-one interface you can provide as a solution. You’ll have the benefit of knowing that you are providing them with the best service: From checking their balances and holdings to downloading statements, clients will appreciate access to their accounts, anytime, anywhere.