Sunni Schneider, Client Development Manager of Schneider and Pollock
Wealth Management Inc. shares the 3 things you should know about going
3 min 8 sec Transcription
Hi, I'm Sunni Schneider, Client Development Manager for Schneider and Pollock Wealth Management. Here are three reasons why I think you should go independent.
My father was in the business for many, many years, and he went independent. And I think growing up and following his footsteps was something that I wanted to do as well.
When we were looking into choosing a custodian, we say it was a no brainer because Jeff, my partner, and I both had relationships previously with National Bank, but in different sectors. I've had to deal with all different departments, sectors, and they've been phenomenal. And this is a big challenge. But we did it, and here we are today, and I would never look back.
Our motto is client’s interests are first. We provide, expect, and provide exceptional client service. Their interest is absolutely first and foremost. NBIN shares the same, same qualities. You know, we've never received anything but positive feedback. You know, in return, the clients provide referrals from family and friends. So, I think they're happy and the business is growing.
You have your benefits of flexibility. You have… you're running your own shop. It's empowering. It's just, again, growth as a person. And why that ties in to being independent? Well, again, you get the freedom to design your own company. It allows you to network. It allows you to do so many things. That is extremely satisfying. I’m my own boss. You know, it provides rewards. All that hard work, if it’s going to pay off, why wouldn’t you do it? If you've got the expertise, the background, you know, why wouldn't you go independent?
I think it's important for women to step up and just go for it. I really do. It is a male dominated industry. But if you have the passion, the drive, willing to face challenges, overcome obstacles, then ladies, just do it.
National Bank Independent Network (NBIN) is a division of National Bank Financial Inc. (NBF Inc.). Please note that comments included in this communication are for information purposes only. The opinions and endorsements expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of NBIN.